Thursday, October 21, 2010

... You're eating whilst driving.

Many people may not know, but driving a motor vehicle is actually one of the most calorie-destroying activities out there.  A 15 minute road trip (especially in LA) could rank just as high as an hour-long intense spinning session or even a day's worth of mountain climbing.  Add eating to the already intense work-out of driving and one can effectively negate the calories consumed during a single car trip.
 Example of a man participating in an intense vehicular feeding workout.

The explanation behind the science you ask?  Well, driving itself already requires intense focus.  The eyes have to constantly shift from the rear view mirrors, center mirror, to the multiples cars whizzing by in other lanes.  This eye shifting exerts massive amounts of energy from the ocular muscles.  Also, the frequent moving of hands and feet to shift gears, steer  wheels, and depress gas/brake pedals engages hand and lower leg muscles.  Eating while driving can only further burn calories due to the intense strength training that results from having to lift a one pound Chipotle burrito or a 46 ounce soda to and from your mouth.  Also, the moments of near accidents provide an excellent source of cardio training because a driver's heart could race in excess of 192 beats per minute (equivalent to an intense sprint) when involved in a near fender bender at 45 miles per hour.  After such an intense burn session, it would be extremely foolish not to swing by a McDonald's drive through to refuel the body.  So, go ahead, enjoy that #1 Big Mac Biggie Sized McValue Meal.  Believe me, your body will thank you.

Trust me.  I'm a doctor*.

* Only in theory.


  1. That would explain the ravenous hunger I get after arriving at work after driving for an hour.
