Thursday, October 21, 2010

... You're eating a free sample.

Patrons of Costco, rejoice! All of those free samples you collect (while pretending to consider buying another tub of that salsa you already own) are definitely calorie free! Calories are social creatures who can only exist when surrounded by their friends. They might be able to manage short stints away from from their fellow caloric compatriots, but when separated for long periods of time -say, for example, when packed into individual little cups, or cut into bite size pieces- calories die of loneliness. Sad for calories. Happy for your butt and thighs. Enjoy!
 PS- A bonus! Walking around to get all those samples works off calories! Meaning, Costco outings are actually negative calorie exercises.

1 comment:

  1. Thank God this has been scientifically proven! To the sample stands at Costco, quick!
