Friday, October 22, 2010

... The food is beautifully displayed.

Exercise is a lot like a disease. An annoying, self-righteous disease that affects the most irritatingly fit and beautiful among us. And much like a disease, it is highly contagious. In is most dangerous form, exercise can be spread through close contact with infected individuals, and manifest itself as a disgusting desire to actually run/do sit ups/burn calories through strenuous physical movement. Luckily, you can gain immunity to this dangerous form of the disease by getting vaccinated early and often.
 Beautiful, delicious AND medicinal!
How can you get the vaccine? Good question. As you might know, vaccines contain a dead or less potent form of whatever disease they protect you against (trust me, I took AP Bio six years ago). Anyway, in exercise's case, the vaccine is administered through the consumption of food prepared using exercise. What does this mean? Well, ever walked by a beautiful display of food and been awed by the time and effort that must have gone in to making the food look so beautiful and appetizing? You were actually staring at the very food that could save your (sedentary) life.
 Note: The spherical nature of some of these foods means that they are doubly calorie free.
Food that is beautifully displayed takes a lot of time and energy (read: exercise) to prepare. This means that the people who created the display burned thousands and thousands of calories arranging it in order to impress you. If you eat this food, you are consuming a less potent form of exercise, and you are therefore exercising and burning calories. The results are triply wonderful. You get to eat the beautiful food, burn calories because the food contains a vaccine form of exercise, AND protect yourself against the future urge to participate in any real and difficult physical activity. Ta-da! It's a medical miracle!
Good looking, good tasting, good for you!


  1. Aptly put! Get vaccinated, everyone! These diseases are real!

  2. Is that La Boqueria in Spain?! I hear calories actually count negatively there, since no one ever sleeps and thus one requires more calories to sustain him/herself...
