My fellow ladies can attest to the fact that there is NO task more frustrating than trying to find a new pair of jeans to replace the ratty pair you’ve been wearing since high school. I have no idea why those hole-covered size 6 American Eagle jeans make my ass look better than all the pairs of Page Premiums or Sevens in the world, but I digress. The emotional process of shopping brings us to yet another calorie rule – that calories do not count when shopping for new clothes.
The intense mental energy of dealing with your body issues combined with the physical exercise of jumping up and down in front of a dressing room mirror while trying to squeeze into jeans literally demolishes calories. Plus, carrying arms full of skirts, going out tops, and chunky jewelry is equivalent doing a full set of weights at the gym (this fact is supported by my personal trainer*). So, when you smell that Cinnabon on your way out of Macy’s, indulge yourself in a 1200-calorie treat because those calories will all be burned off with a skip over to Nordstrom’s Rack anyway!
Enjoy, my savvy shoppers.
*I am my own personal trainer.
Bahahahhahahaha, "I am my own personal trainer."