Friday, October 15, 2010

... If consumed during midterms/finals.

Exercising your brain burns at least two times as many calories at exercising your body. Because of this, it is IMPERATIVE that you eat as much as you can while you are hunched over your books. The best options here are simple, bleached flours and sugars, and any kind of cheese (preferably melted - it gets to your brain faster that way). These food are digested quickly for a powerful energy boost. Your brain will work those calories off fast, so make sure you have an entire box of donuts and a party-sized bag of those Cheetos that change color in your mouth.

If you have just taken a test, GET TO A JACK IN THE BOX AS FAST AS YOU CAN! You have burned off at least 2500 calories in that hour and a half (5000 if it's a 3 hour final!), and you will pass out if you don't eat at least 6 tacos and a lot of curly fries.

I like to remember it by following the 'ABC's' - Always Be Chewing.

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