Thursday, October 14, 2010

...You're attending or watching a sporting event.

As any sports fan knows, win or lose, cheering on your team can be a tough job (particularly if your team has any sort of association with the Bay Area). Ask any Cal student who weathered the Nate Longshore era (...or weathered a Cal season at any point in time, really) and they'll confirm that cheering your heart out for your favorite team demands incredible stamina. So it's only natural that your body requires additional consumption during such a strenuous time. In fact, neglecting to eat and drink excessively during a game may result in fainting, or even death.

Because of this, not only do calories not count during a game, but they're actually required for survival (see exercise and drinking rules for further clarification on this). Pizza, beer, hot dogs, hot fudge sundaes, garlic fries and the like... all extremely important to continued good health.

And when watching sports, always be weary of foods that have less substantive value, such as vegetables of any kind. Not only can one expect tons of crap for the reckless consumption of such foods, but, as with neglecting to eat/drink during a game, serious health issues may arise as a result.

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